Community Development Partners


Florida Association for Community Action 813-540-8580

Florida Association of Counties  850-922-4300

Florida Bankers Association 850-224-2265

Florida Chamber of Commerce  850-521-1200

Florida Community Development Association  386-322-3787

Florida Hospital Association  850-222-9800

Florida Housing Coalition  850-878-4219

Florida League of Cities
     Tallahassee 850-222-9684 or 800-342-8122
     Orlando 407-367-1800 or 800-445-6248

Florida Nonprofit Alliance  407-694-5213

Florida Philanthropic Network 813-983-7399

Florida Prosperity Partnership  321-209-4377

Florida Redevelopment Association  850-701-3622

Florida Supportive Housing Coalition

League of Women Voters of Florida  407-377-5777

1000 Friends of Florida  850-222-6277

Shimberg Center for Housing Studies  352-273-1192


State of Florida Agencies

CareerSource Florida 

Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Svcs.  800-435-7352

Florida Department of Economic Opportunity  850-245-7105

Florida Department of Health  850-245-4444

Florida Division of Corporations  850-245-6000

Florida Division of Arts & Culture  850-245-6500

Florida Division of Elections  850-245-6200

Florida House of Representatives

Florida Housing Finance Corporation (850) 488-4197

Florida Senate 

Governor’s Office  850-717-9337

The Florida Channel



Candid (Foundation Center and Guide Star) 

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities  202-408-1080

Coalition on Human Needs  202-223-2532

Democracy Collaborative  202-559-1473

Dunn & Bradstreet  844-238-8823

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation  877-275-3342

Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta  800-636-9650

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta  404-498-8500

National Alliance for CED Associations  202-518-2660

National Community Reinvestment Coalition  202-628-8866

National Low-Income Housing Coalition  202-662-1530

National Urban Institute

NeighborWorks America  202-760-4000

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency  202-649-6800

Opportunity Finance Network  202-618-6100

ProsperityNow  202-408-9788

Rural Housing Coalition  202-393-5225


Federal Agencies

Census Bureau  Atlanta Office 301-763-4636 or 800-923-8282

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau  655-411-2372

Economic Development Administration  Atlanta Regional Office 404-730-3002

Department of Agriculture  202-720-2791
Florida Office  352-379-4500

Federal Grants 

Federal Register  202-741-6000

Health and Human Services  877-696-6775

Housing and Urban Development  202-708-1112
     Jacksonville 904-232-9627
     Miami 305-536-4456

Small Business Administration  800-827-5722

US House of Representatives

US Senate